

Where is my city?

We're currently testing the waters in Dublin for the main event guide. As Dublin is both a small city, and has enough events run by different organisers, it feels like a good place to start. A primary goal is to be comprehensive. We want to include all events, not just some. This requires upkeep that we do not have in other locations just yet (and, admittedly, sometimes struggle to get 100% right in Dublin).

Why are you focusing on events for one location?

There's plenty of great event guides for swing dance out there, already. They cover and aggregate global events and international festivals very nicely. We're focusing on local events where it can be difficult to understand the big picture without having to locate and check multiple sources, for each organiser.


How often is the calendar updated?

The main calendar updates daily, showing events for this week or month and highlighting what's on today. We add events as we hear about them but usually they're added within 24 hours.

For recurring events, we update any changes as soon as we're aware of them. We recommend checking the organisers' own channels for last-minute changes.

What types of events do you list?

We focus on social dance events and classes including:

  • Regular social dances
  • Weekly classes
  • Workshops and intensives
  • Live music events featuring dance opportunities
  • Festivals and exchanges
  • Special one-off events

We don't typically list private classes or closed practice sessions unless they're part of a larger event, or the organiser intended for them to be publicly advertised for a specific time slot.


Do you organise events?

No. We just list them so that they're clear and concise in one place. All events listed are set up and lovingly put together by independent organisers.

Do you do ticketing?

No. We're just offering this general event guide first and don't see much interest in providing ticketing. If this changes, we'll reconsider it. Currently, each event listed provides a link to the ticketing platform used by the event organiser. We aim to push any event interest towards the organisers.


You haven't listed an event / I found a mistake

For now, we are adding what we find and may make a few mistakes. The most likely is that we miss event details that have been updated since we originally added them, that's our bad, and we aim to improve on that.

If an event or festival is scarce on details, we might not list it yet as it feels counterproductive to list an event that doesn't provide enough information to be useful. We're working on ways to improve this.

There's some details different from the organiser's event page

Typically, we list details as we find them: full of info or scarce and empty (though hopefully not too empty - see above). Occasionally we may feel a specific detail or two, not in the original, would be helpful to a person considering attending the event.

This has been a dilemma for us, as much as we're trying to be helpful, what if we make a mistake on a presumption? e.g. The most common missing detail we've added has been finishing times, or introductory details for beginner classes (like what to wear, etc) where people may be attending who don't know their up from down and could do with a little extra help.

We're still figuring out the best approach to this when keeping the events informative and accurate, without putting words in the organisers' mouths.

Additionally, if an organiser is using detailed information that we don't yet have a spot for, it may be omitted or rephrased to fit the current format. Typically, we're aware of this and are looking at ways to improve the general template without making it too cluttered.

If in doubt, always refer to the organisers' own event guides as the authority on details or contact them directly if it's still not clear.

Can I submit an event?

In an earlier version of the site, we had a registration for organisers who wanted to submit events or modify anything listed. It wasn't quite ready and shouldn't have been made publicly available. Apologies if you signed up at this time and were left wondering what to do next. We haven't priotised adding a fixed event submission back as, during the time it was available, there wasn't a big uptake in registrations.

For now, if you want to submit an event or change anything, send the relevant details on Instagram.

Oh No!

Something didn't work

Sorry to hear that. Stompslide is still testing itself out and we're aware of a few parts that need a bit of a kick. If an issue persists and you think we may not be aware of it, please send us a message on Instagram.

Last updated: January 29th 2025